Eternity Law International Payment & E-Money Institutions EMI License Swiss crypto exchange company for sale

Swiss crypto exchange company for sale

May 9, 2023

New investment opportunity – Swiss crypto exchange company for sale with the capability to process cards, incorporated in 2019. HQ are located in canton Schwyz. The website of the business for sale is operational.

General provisions regarding the Swiss crypto exchange for sale

Overview of permitted activities:

  • Visa/Mastercard card processing (negotiations launched for the direct principal), UnionPay, etc.;
  • High-risk credit card processing capabilities for dealing in cryptocurrencies, gambling or foreign exchange;
  • Opening merchant accounts;
  • Exchange.


  • Account with Signum Bank in Switzerland
  • Account in a US banking institution


The crypto exchange for sale partners with liquidity providers such as Gemini, Kraken, ALT5, etc.


  • 2 ISO (Independent Trade Organizations) with over 50 sellers.
  • One large casino ISO gateway is currently connected

SRO permissions

  • Asset administration: Up to 20 customers with up to CHF 5,000,000 in assets under administration can make their own investments or withdrawal decisions.
  • Advisory services: can advise but can’t accept decisions to invest or not invest at their discretion without regard to the number of customers or the amount of money invested.
  • Exchange: cryptocurrency vs. cryptocurrency, cryptocurrency vs. government-issued currencies, cryptocurrency vs. preciousmetals or commodities.
  • Offer payment transaction services, such as performing e-transfers on behalf of others or those who issue or handle payment methods.
  • Execute credit transactions.
  • Trade in government-issued currencies and cryptocoins, foreign currency, securities, etc. as well as their derivatives, for one’s own account.
  • Hold securities on deposit or manages securities: the corporation is currently engaged in purchasing and issuing cards, cryptocurrency business (exchange, wallets, etc.), and money transfers.

Price for business for sale: available on request.

If you want to buy a crypto exchange company in Switzerland, feel free to contact us for detailed information.

Additional information: Julia


Telegram: @anastasiiaeternitylaw

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