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+1 (888) 647 05 40This is a SRO-certified company in Switzerland for sale. The legal entity currently has a status of a licensed financial services company.
The legal entity is eligible to provide the following services:
As the major shareholder was unable to build his business and opted to close the endeavor as a result, the company has been idle for the past year with no assets or obligations in place.
There is no technology.
Business transition could be completed within 7 – 10 days after the receipt of the payment.
Asking price: on a request
Additional information on the Swiss SRO-certified company for sale: Elizabeth
Please refer your request to:
E-mail: office@eternitylaw.com
Telegram: @anastasiiaeternitylaw
The international company Eternity Law International provides professional services in the field of international consulting, auditing services, legal and tax services.