Eternity Law International Payment & E-Money Institutions EMI License SPI company in Czech Republic for sale

SPI company in Czech Republic for sale

May 5, 2022

Below you can see the basic information regarding the SPI company in Czech Republic for sale

SPI company in Czech Republic – whats included:

  • SPI in Czech Republic;
  • SPI is 10+ years;
  • Payment accounts opening for individuals and legal entities;
  • Money remittance services;
  • Bank account in Czech bank – 1 corporate + 3 safeguarding account (used in current activities);
  • Currency: CZK. Note: opening in other currencies is also possible;
  • A portfolio of clients – loans, executions and insolvency;
  • Software, website are included;
  • The company has the status of a VAT company;
  • The company is the first P2P (peer-to-peer) lending platform in the Czech Republic and has been successfully operating on the market for almost 10 years;
  • 60 000 + clients by the end of 2021 year;
  • The new owner will have a fully functioning company, generating income (approx. 220k EUR net profit) and ready to expand its activities.

NOTE: to receive the name of the company and any additonal information, NDA should be signed and Buyer’s Passport & Proof of funds should be presented.

You can buy SPI company in Czech Republic and start your business as soon as possible.

Asking price: on a request

For details:

Telegram: @dmitriyELI

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