Eternity Law International Crypto forex brokers Licensed Investment Dealer in Mauritius for sale

Licensed Investment Dealer in Mauritius for sale

March 22, 2022

This is a new investment opportunity - Fully Regulated Investment Dealer License in Mauritius . Please check out the main details regarding this proposal below.

A well-structured and fully operational licensed investment dealer in Mauritius. The license was obtained in 2019.

Basic details regarding the organization and operation of the company

  • Additionally, the company has a GBL1 license.
  • Excellent condition.
  • Authorized capital: 15 thousand dollars.
  • The payment gateway functions with Virtual Pay.

The staff is ready to work under the direction of the new owner. In addition, assistance with the selection and registration of an office is possible.

The offered licensed investment dealer in Mauritius already has professional insurance for a period of 1 year

Offer price and details:

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