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+1 (888) 647 05 40The company has the appropriate Estonian license and has a registered capital of 12 thousand, which is not included in the price, but can be included as required. Crypto exchange in Estonia for sale works under Estonian legislation.
Activities: buying and selling crypto for fiat money as well as crypto for crypto, virtual wallet system, which works just like a regular e-wallet that most of us use daily, but with cryptocurrencies.
Buy ready-made crypto exchange, which could operate with BTC, ETH, LTC, XRP, BCH, MBTC, DASH.
There are two EMI accounts, one of which is open and usable, and the other has been pre-approved. In addition, there are 2 accounts for liquidity, Kraken and Binance.
A history of completed transactions can be provided. AML and sanctions check tool available.
The company has 2 PSP accounts. Operating partner system and contract platform.
The local director from Estonia, the AML officer and the office located in Tallinn are payable by the buyer.
Price for Estonian crypto exchange for sale: Julia.z@eternitylaw.com / Telegram @juliazhil
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