Eternity Law International News The entry of foreigners to Ukraine

The entry of foreigners to Ukraine

August 29, 2019

The entry of foreigners into Ukraine in accordance with the prescribed standards of Ukraine and the state – the homeland of the immigrant. In addition, border crossing rules depend on the purpose of visiting Ukraine.


Until 2012, the nuances regarding the entry and residence of persons of foreign origin were regulated by Cabinet document No. 1074. But on March 7, 2012, a new regulatory document was adopted to control the above procedures. So, this Procedure discloses information on the following standards:

  1. extension of the stay of foreign guests and stateless persons within the Ukrainian territory;
  2. how to extend the temporary stay of foreign guests in Ukraine;
  3. in which cases the period of stay of foreigners in the state is reduced.

Time frame for the legal residence of foreigners in the territory of the state.

On a legal basis, the presence of immigrants in Ukraine is permissible under the following circumstances:

  1. with visa entry standards, a foreigner stays in the territory of the Ukrainian state for the time specified in the visa. The conditions are determined by bilateral agreements signed between countries;
  2. with a visa-free immigration procedure – no more than 90 days during 180 days from the first entry;
  3. upon entry on a visa which was issued before 09/11/2011 – at the time indicated on the visa, but not longer than 90 days within 180 days from the first entry on the visa.

Registration and control of documents of foreign persons immigrating to Ukraine is performed at the border at a checkpoint by a specialist of the State Border Service.

This act stipulates the norms for the transit movement of citizens of foreign states across the country. Travel must be carried out when prescribed in travel documents.


According to the signed Order, there are time frames for resolving certain circumstances. It would be less unfair to expel people from the country who faced paperwork and did not apply for a residence permit.

Renewal cases

The residence time of an alien is extended in the following cases:

  1. If immigration is done on a short visa or visa-free. The pretext for continuing the stay will be: the state of health of the foreigner or his relatives, filing forgiveness for registration of Ukrainian citizenship.
  2. A transit visa with a forced stop caused by unplanned emergency events – state of health, natural disasters, problems with transport.
  3. A long-term visa during which a temporary or permanent residence permit was not signed. Time frames are limited to one month.

In all three cases, the main condition for the extension is the obligatory provision by the alien of confirmation of the existence of prerequisites for further residence.

The decision to extend the time spent in Ukraine is made by the director of the territorial department of the HMS and his deputy. They are considering applying for a residence permit.

The document filed at the place of residence contains columns for information on the two sides of the case – the foreigner and the receiving person. The deadline for petitioning is no earlier than 10 days and no later than 3 days before the end of the stay.

There is a list of documents that must be attached to the application. The documentation is provided not only by a foreigner, but also by the host, and there are nuances for individuals and legal entities.

The package of documents includes not only copies of the passport, but also financial accounts to confirm the financial independence of the immigrant, data on where the foreign guest will live.

A foreigner meets a refusal from the SMS department if:

  1. his residence is a threat to the security of Ukrainians and the territorial integrity of the country;
  2. a subsequent stay violates the protection of health and the protection of the rights of Ukrainian residents;
  3. the documents submitted turned out to be fake, and the information indicated in them was false;
  4. revealed a violation of laws, which caused the previous expulsion from the state;
  5. there are reasons to believe that the real purpose of the entry is different from the stated;
  6. a foreigner cannot pay the costs associated with being in Ukraine.

The absence of identity documents is not a reason for refusing to extend the time spent. Consideration of the issue is postponed until the consulate prepares new documents.

A sudden interruption of residence is most often associated with the termination of working cooperation. This is the most common reason – work under a contract with a foreigner ends or cooperation with him is terminated ahead of schedule.

The decision on the completion of the foreign guest’s stay in Ukraine is signed by the head of the SMS, but in some cases – law enforcement services – SBU, Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In general, the new decision document is understandable, the information is accurately and concisely. Each question is assigned a separate section, which simplifies the use of the document. The absence of references simplifies the study of prescribed norms.

The team of specialists at Eternity Law International works exclusively legally, so you can not worry about the legality of paperwork. Contact us, we will always be happy to help resolve your issues, regardless of complexity.

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