Eternity Law International News The Digital Europe Programme: overview

The Digital Europe Programme: overview

September 12, 2022

The Digital Europe Programme is an innovative EU financing program launched with the purpose to bring DLT to individuals, legal entities, and public administrative bodies. It tries to cover many facets including how to make the European Union more ecologically friendly and more digital – these two pillars are probably the most challenging for our century, and our success in implementing them will determine our future.

Main objectives of DIGITAL

The EU Commission started to make the EU greener via its Green New Deal. Simultaneously, it is initiating dialogs around the movement to a more digitalized era.

Digital innovations play an essential role in our day-to-day lives and commercial climates. We trust them when communicating, working, advancing science, and addressing existing ecological issues. The COVID19 pandemic emphasized not only how much we are contingent on access to our technologies, but also how significant it is for the European Union not to depend on solutions emerging from other parts of the world. The global aim to create the individual way for reaching this purpose is DIGITAL.

The EU Program will ensure financing to address these issues, by promoting new projects in 5 main domains:

  • high-performance computing,
  • AI,
  • online security,
  • strong digitalized skills, and
  • a broad variety of usage scenarios for blockchain, including through EDIHs – one-stop-shops supporting companies to respond to digital challenges and gain more advantages over its competitors.

With a projected total financial plan of 7,5EUR billion, the EU program is committed to accelerating the financial recovering and reshaping the “digital rebirth” of Europe’s society and economies, creating a win-win situation for everyone, particularly SMEs.

DIGITAL is not a stand-alone project; it will collect the funds through other programs. It constitutes an element of the next EU financial plan for 2021-2027.

Showing solidarity with Ukraine

On September 5, 2022, the Commission signed an agreement to associate Ukraine with the Digital Europe Programme. This means that Ukrainian companies, organizations, and public administrative bodies will be eligible to access the calls from the DIGITAL for the 2021-2027 period.

Particularly, Ukraine will have a possibility to apply for financing and support for projects in key fields that are mentioned above. In addition, EU financing is also accessible to Ukraine via other EU programs, for instance via Horizon Europe.

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