Eternity Law International News Registration of trusts and funds

Registration of trusts and funds

March 12, 2020

Registration of trust and stock documents is the moment that arises when a manufacturing and industrial company reaches a constant and stable income.

For this reason, there is a need to create reserve capital, which will be inaccessible to state interests, taxation, wasteful heirs and other force majeure circumstances.

In world practice, the activity of trusts and funds that are created to store cash is widespread.


In legal terminology, a trust is understood as a complex constructive structure of doing business, which is based on the transfer of property of the owner or founder of the trust.

They receive legal grounds for managing the property of the owner and act solely in his interests or a third party relationship, which is determined by the owner.

The property received by the trust ceases to be the legal property of the founder and is not subject to fiscal transactions.

Why are trusts created?

The main objective of trusts is to optimize the financial activities of the company with protection from negative economic factors. The benefits of trusts.

  1. Tangible assets that become objects of trust use are transferred on the basis of the Convention. This document means the allocation of values ​​to trusts that do not belong to the founder of property law.
  2. The trust manager acts as the actual owner of the assets entrusted to him and acts solely on behalf of the founder. Others do not need to know the name of the final owner.
  3. Trustee Trustee or trustee disposes of the property of the owner in his interests or beneficiaries designated by him.


The second way to reduce taxation, which is used by the global economy, is the concentration of assets in private stock companies.

The fundamental difference between the foundation and the trust is that the first acts as a legal representative and acts according to established legal acts – charters, the second – has no relation to legal entities.

On the example of the Principality of Liechtenstein, one can characterize the work of the economic sector.

His law keeps information about owners and beneficial owners secret, and property owned by a private fund has preferential quotas for paying taxes and protection from state sanctions.


The activities of private foundations and trusts are based on complex legal relationships, therefore, overseeing the creation of these projects should be entrusted to experienced professionals.

In some countries, the Convention has not been ratified; therefore, the creation of such schemes is fraught with significant economic risks.

Regulatory documents of some states, do not recognize the practice of transferring material resources to trusts. Such operations are carried out according to the mechanism of enhanced protection at the legislative level.

Our experts have the experience and the necessary knowledge to create, register and manage trust structures and private foundations and will help draw up a plan for protecting assets according to the individual requirements of their owners.

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