Eternity Law International News Ready-made company in Hong Kong

Ready-made company in Hong Kong

August 9, 2023

Shelf-firm is an organization that was registered for further sale. The procedure of purchasing a ready-made company is quite easy, usually you just need to do the ownership change and prepare relevant documents for this. Shelf-firms are registered already with a company name, but it can be changed after sale.Our company assists clients to change their business-structures, fully accompanying them at all stages of buying a shelf companies in Hong Kong. Our firm is experts in the field of establishment and licensing of commercial structures around the world. We also provide an extensive list of other business-services, in particular, opening accounts in payment systems, bank accounts and merchant accounts, creating cryptocurrency cards, etc.

Privileges of owning shelf companies Hong Kong

When planning to implement firm incorporation or establish a new organization, you need to familiarize yourself with all privileges of running business-activities in Hong Kong:

  • excellent reputation at global level;
  • zero taxes on capital gains, dividends and VAT, provided that income is received from a source not located in the jurisdiction;
  • quick and easy registration, which is possible remotely;
  • the ability to buy ships for the transport of goods and the availability of routes at a fairly low price;
  • strict information confidentiality;
  • the ability to get accounts in other jurisdictions.

Experienced lawyers of our company will calculate how profitable it is to register a business in each individual case and calculate the cost of the entire process. We also possess plenty of companies for sale in Hong Kong. For advice, contact us by phone or email.

How to buy a firm in Hong Kong?

Since this’s a very famous global financial center, but it does not belong to offshore zone, starting a business-project there is beneficial for many investors worldwide. Entrepreneurs are attracted by a fairly easy procedure for buying a firm. Our experts are familiar with all points and nuances of local legislation, and will be able to organize your business correctly and as soon as possible. We recommend that you contact our professionals in order to avoid mistakes and difficulties if you buy companies with bank account for sale in Hong Kong cooperating with unscrupulous sellers.

Purchasing a firm is a step-by-step procedure. Particularly, an interested client needs to know all the algorithms and law basis in order to correctly submit a document list, draw up an agreement and re-register the organization. If you intend to purchase a shelf company just to save time, it’s a bad idea. Previously, when companies registration process in a jurisdiction took a long time, it made sense to save time by purchasing a ready-made enterprise. At the moment, you need to pay more attention to issue of bank account opening. For example, if there is no residency and the company’s activities are not related to Southeast Asia, the bank may refuse to open an account. Thus, entrepreneurs immediately need to think about opening accounts outside the country.

To purchase companies with bank account in Hong Kong, it isn’t necessary to possess citizenship of the country or to be personally present in Hong Kong. One representative can simultaneously be both a shareholder and director. Our specialist will show you a list of current offers and help you to decide on the most suitable one. Trust our professionals, and very soon you will be able to conduct your business-activities in Hong Kong and others.

Document list and rules for firms incorporation in Hong Kong

Documentation list a new owner receives buying a shelf companies in Hong Kong looks like next-mentioned:

  • Registration Certificate provided by Registrar of Organizations and Office of Internal Revenue. On the basis of this document, the firm has the right to conduct business-activities as a legally-established entity;
  • Charter and arrangement of institution;
  • confirmation of distribution of shares;
  • approved list of directors and participants in a business-structure;
  • legal address, which confirms local presence;
  • corporate seals.

If you want a firm to be offshore not paying income tax of 16.5%, you’ll need to confirm offshore-status. Local firms pay taxes exclusively on income received in the country. All income that company receives not in the jurisdiction is completely exempt from taxes. To do this, you have to meet the following requirements:

  • lack of an office in the country with employees who were hired in the jurisdiction;
  • lack of local customers and suppliers;
  • conducting cash operations only outside jurisdiction.

These’re only a small part of the conditions, but they are the main ones. So, if you start interacting with local firms or importing something from China to Hong Kong, the chance to confirm offshore will be minimized.

Buying shelf companies Hong Kong

Our organization offers specialized service range in the field of purchasing shelf-companies or enterprises establishment in hundreds of jurisdictions around the world. We also professionally assist in getting banking accounts, licensing and other processes connected with business-activities. Highly-qualified professionals assist you to re-register documentation in a short time, implement a firm’s check for transparency and resolve all nuances associated with launching a business-project.

To initiate the process needed for getting companies with bank account in Hong Kong, you need to contact our lawyers in any way convenient for you. We are ready to provide you with comprehensive advice and consider your case individually. The first step on this path will be the assessment of relevant organizations for sale and contact with owner of firm in which the client is interested.

We also provide professional assistance in licensing companies, in particular, in obtaining a Forex license in Comoros, Vanuatu, Malta and other countries.

Taxation in Hong Kong

Both local and foreign enterprises pay tax on income obtained in jurisdiction, rate of which is 16.5%. If the profit is less than 250 thousand dollars, the tax rate will also be reduced to 8.25%. For private businessmen, there’re separate rates of 15% and 7.5%, respectively. There isn’t capital gains tax. Moreover, there is no value added tax (VAT) in the territory of country.

If incomes are obtained from a foreign source and the company does not operate in the territory of the jurisdiction, it is exempt from paying taxes.

How much does a shelf firm in Hong Kong cost?

Cost of entire procedure for getting companies with bank account for sale in Hong Kong is calculated by specialists in a separate order. Each amount depends not only on price of firm itself, but also on additional service range, complexity of registration, etc. The client will receive a full calculation of the entire price in advance. At the same time, our specialists select the most profitable options to optimize your budget.

What is included in the cost of services

For many years, our lawyers have shown their professionalism and desire to assist clients at the beginning of their commercial way and in expanding an existing business-structure. We’ll help you buy and establish enterprises in Hong Kong quickly, efficiently and without unnecessary problems, regardless of the type of activity and necessity to get supplementary permits.

  1. Selection of suitable variants of ready-made enterprises for each client.
  2. Assistance in licensing and obtaining the necessary permits.
  3. Wide range of corporate services.
  4. Collecting, preparing and sending documentation to regulatory authorities.
  5. Communication with the regulator.
  6. Full support at every step of the business re-registration procedure.
  7. Extended consultations on all your questions.

We work for the result and guarantee maximum loyalty to the client, so you can be sure of the quality of our services.

How do I buy a ready made business in Hong Kong?

Companies with bank account for sale in Hong Kong, as in any other jurisdiction, are an opportunity for entrepreneurs to quickly establish local partnerships and integrate into the market space, attract local investors and start making a profit from the very beginning of their business activities. Our company offers you comprehensive professional assistance in purchasing a business and transferring it. We will help you choose the best option that best suits your wishes, needs and plans. We have a variety of ready-made companies for sale in hundreds of jurisdictions around the world. Our lawyers will accompany you at every stage of the transaction.

What is an aged shelf corporation in Hong Kong?

Companies with bank account in Hong Kong are corporations that are not put into operation after incorporation. The activities of such a company begin after it passes into the possession of a new owner. Our lawyers will provide you with professional assistance in purchasing an existing business in Hong Kong and other countries. We will not only help you choose a jurisdiction for further activities and the company itself, but will also fully support you at every stage of the transaction.

What types of ready-made companies are for sale in Hong Kong?

There are two types of companies for sale in Hong Kong. The first type is firms that have not operated before. They have a clean history and are free from any obligations. The second type are companies that previously operated, but are now out of operation. Our company is ready to offer you hundreds of options for ready-made companies of different types for sale.

What are the risks of buying a ready-made company in Hong Kong?

Buying shelf companies in Hong Kong may involve some risks. One of the very important problems that a new owner may face is the presence of a negative history with the company. This is possible if the company has already conducted commercial activities. The company may have debts, unfulfilled obligations, or go through bankruptcy proceedings. In addition, the risk may be incorrect registration of a company, provision of incorrect data and much more. Our lawyers will help you conclude a deal on favorable terms and guide you through the process of transferring your business.

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