News | Page 92

OECD – Cook Islands

October 5, 2020

On 28.10.2016, in the OECD headquarters in Paris, Mr. Andrew Haig who is Cook Islands Internal Tax Collector, signed the multilateral convention as for mutual administrative assistance in tax matters. As of today, this Convention is the most powerful instrument for international tax cooperation. It provides all forms of administrative assistance in tax matters such…

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ISO 27001: Information Security

September 6, 2020

ISO 27001 allows you to establish risk evaluation mechanisms, draw up reports and treatment plans. Over time, the nature of threats in the system can change. As a result of controls carried out using ISO 27001, risks can be reduced or severity can be reduced. Therefore, the activity of monitoring the risks of enterprises is…

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ISO 20000: Management of IT Services

September 5, 2020

In 2005, BSI released a new ISO 20000, which sets IT services quality demands. Standard adoption made it possible to assess the effectiveness of the services provided to users. ISO 20000 provides guidance for IT service management. According to it, firm that implements requests of this act must ensure a stable IT services level and…

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ISO 14090: Climate Change Adaptation

September 1, 2020

Climate changes affect society in different ways, and this happens due to industrial revolution start. Further climate change scale depends on the quality of efforts to limit future emissions. Organizational effect associated with climate changes are physical, financial, regulatory and reputational, and they can be direct and indirect. Investors, customers and the media are increasingly…

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ISO 14020 Environmental Standard

September 1, 2020

As a result of dissemination of environmental claims, if such claims are made, there is a need for eco-labeling acts that require approval of all relevant aspects of products life. Manufacturers or anyone who wants to benefit from these claims can make environmental self-declarations. Environmental claim may be presented in the form of wordings, symbols…

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ISO 14064 Verification

August 30, 2020

Floods, droughts, record temperatures – backdrop of all this, solving problem of climate changes has become one of the most pressing problems in the world. These events are one of the most important obstacles that countries, governments, businesses and humankind face in a resilient world. Thus, several applications for monitoring and mitigating fluctuations were put…

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ISO 14001 Concept & Importance

August 30, 2020

It is widely recognized that environmental problems are increasingly affecting the future strategic direction of every enterprise around the world. In addition to the growing demand for vital natural resources such as water, has prompted some organizations to incorporate “green thinking” into their activities. These so-called “green companies” are moving in this direction not only…

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ISO 13485 Criteria

August 26, 2020

ISO 13485 – normative document developed by international attestator. The updated version was released in 2016 and became mandatory for all businesses in 2019. This act includes ensuring full openness and regulating procedures accessibility of medical equipment circulation. Manufacturers must meet it if they want maintaining certification. To this end, it is checked whether your…

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Bank account for startup

August 26, 2020

Bank account for startup – where to choose? Choosing the right account with a foreign banking institution will help you keep track of all your expenses, generate revenue and enjoy flexible and convenient banking services. Which account type to choose and in which country to apply for its opening depends on what the account you…

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ISO 15189 Importance

August 25, 2020

Highest quality norm in laboratory research field in Europe is international certificate ISO 15189. The validity of the certificate extends to the most popular groups of services: general tests and biochemical blood tests. Now patients of certain medical institutions can not even doubt the reliability of the tests, because experts do not allow any compromise….

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DIN EN 15224 Points

August 23, 2020

Quality importance in health care is often understood when people are frustrated by its absence, or when they suffer from unnecessary waste of time, or when they are threatened with unnecessary spending. Today, it is first item on health care institutions agenda. Because people expect medical services from better services. For all healthcare establishments, improving…

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HACCP Essence & Features

August 23, 2020

It is a globally recognized method for managing food industry risks. It provides customers and society with confidence that food safety program is properly managed. HACCP is a set of rules for organizing production activities based on 7 principles, which guarantees the output of a high-quality and safe product for the consumer. To achieve the…

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