Eternity Law International News German Company with Commerzbank and Deutsche Bank Accounts for Sale

German Company with Commerzbank and Deutsche Bank Accounts for Sale

June 17, 2021

Rare and unique opportunity!

  • Since 2014 (7 years).
  • Two bank accounts in: (1) Commerzbank AG, (2) Deutsche Bank.
  • Company type: GmbH (LLC).
  • Available for fast purchase.

The company has been previously operating its activities but nowadays stays dormant with active accounts kept and maintained.

Buying this EU company with history gives you the following benefits:

  1. You can act within Germany, the EU, or worldwide, enjoying the benefits of German legislation.
  2. The required share capital of 25,000 EUR has been already paid up in past. So you save yourself from this initial spending.
  3. You get two bank accounts in some of the best commercial banks in the EU.

Buy a company with a Commerzbank account and enjoy all the benefits of their banking services.

Deutsche bank account purchase allows you to enter into the bank’s high-class products and features.

All the records and reports are being done properly.

For more details contact:

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