Eternity Law International News EMI and PI license in Lithuania

EMI and PI license in Lithuania

June 26, 2023

In Lithuania, both EMI and PI permissions are available for entities wishing to engage in electronic remittance favors. Here’s an overview of these permissions and their key characteristics:

EMI license in Lithuania:

An Lithuania EMI license allows a firm to issue e-money and supply related remittance favors. Here are some key points:

  • Adjustment Body: The Bank of Lithuania is the responsible adjustment authority for issuing and supervising EMI permissions in the country.
  • Permitting Demands: Obtain a License for Electronic Money in Lithuania, applicants must meet specific criteria outlined by the Bank of country. This typically includes demonstrating sufficient fund, appropriate governance arrangements, robust risk administration systems, and conformity with anti-money laundering (AML) and know your client (KYC) demands.
  • Capital Demands: The Bank of country sets minimum fund demands that must be maintained by E-money Institution license in Lithuania holders. The specific capital demands depend on the scale and nature of the digital money issuance and remittance favors supplied.
  • Passporting within the EU: Once an EMI is permitted in the country, it can operate across other European Union (EU) member states through the passporting mechanism, subject to certain notification demands.
  • E-Money Favors: With an EMI permission, firms can issue e-money, such as prepaid cards or digital remittance tokens, and supply a range of related remittance favors.
  • Scope of Favors: EMI permission holders in the state can offer favors such as account issuance, e-money issuance, remittance initiation, fund remittance, currency interchange, and more.
  • Adjustment Conformity: EMI permission holders must comply with the demands outlined in the Law on Digital Money and E-Money Establishments of the Republic of Lithuania, as well as relevant EU directives, inclusive the Electronic Money Directive (EMD).

Payment institution license in Lithuania:

A PI permission allows a firm to supply remittance favors without issuing e-money. Here are some key points:

  • Adjustment Authority: Similar to EMI permissions, the Bank of Lithuania is the adjustment authority responsible for issuing and overseeing PI licenses.
  • Permitting Demands: To acquire a PI license, applicants need to comply with the demands specified by the Bank of Lithuania. These demands typically include appropriate governance arrangements, robust risk administration systems, conformity with AML and KYC regulations, and sufficient operational and security measures.
  • Capital Demands: The Bank of country sets minimum fund demands for PI permission holders. The specific capital demands depend on the nature and scale of the remittance favors supplied.
  • Passporting within the EU: PI permission holders in Lithuania can offer remittance favors across other EU partner states through the passporting mechanism, subject to certain notification demands.
  • Remittance Favors: PI licenses in country allow companies to supply various remittance favors, inclusive remittance account favors, money remittance, remittance initiation, and execution of remittance transmissions.
  • Scope of Favors: PI permission holders can facilitate remittances within the state or across borders, execute direct debits, supply merchant achieving favors, and offer remittance mechanisms or platforms.
  • Adjustment Conformity: PI permit holders need to comply with the Law on Remittances of the Republic of Lithuania and relevant EU directives, such as the Remittance Favors Directive (PSD) or the revised Remittance Favors Directive (PSD2).

Demands for achieving

The demands for receiving an EMI (E-Money Institution) or PI (Remittance Institution) permission may vary depending on the jurisdiction. However, I can supply you with a general overview of the typical demands that are often applicable to both types of permits:

  • Legal Entity: To apply for an EMI or PI license, you will typically need to establish a legal entity, such as a firm or corporation, in the jurisdiction where you intend to operate.
  • Incorporation Documents: You will need to supply the needed incorporation papers, including the firm’s articles of association, memorandum of association, and certificate of incorporation.
  • Funds Demands: You will be needed to demonstrate that you have sufficient capital to use the EMI or PI business-company. The specific capital demands can vary based on factors such as the type of favors supplied and the scale of operations.
  • Fit and Proper Criteria: Adjustment authorities will assess the fitness and propriety of the individuals involved in the management and ownership of the EMI or PI entity. This evaluation considers factors such as the knowledge, qualifications, and integrity of key individuals, including directors, shareholders, and senior administration.
  • Governance Engagements: You will need to establish robust governance arrangements and organizational structures that promote effective oversight and conformity. This includes having clear lines of responsibility, documented policies and procedures, and appropriate risk administration frameworks.
  • Conformity with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) Adjustments: EMIs and PIs are subject to stringent AML and KYC regulations to prevent money laundering, terrorist sponsoring, and other illicit actions. You must demonstrate that you have robust AML and KYC procedures in place to verify the identities of your clients and monitor and report suspicious transfers.
  • Technological Structure: You will need to establish a secure and reliable technical structure that supports the provision of remittance favors. This may include secure data storage, encryption mechanisms, and measures to protect against cybersecurity threats.
  • Business Plan and Monetary Projections: You will be needed to submit a exhaustive business plan that outlines your proposed actions, target market, marketing strategies, and monetary projections. The plan should demonstrate the viability and sustainability of your EMI or PI business-company.
  • Assurance and Safeguarding Funds: Some jurisdictions require EMIs and PIs to have appropriate insurance coverage and to maintain safeguards for customer funds. This ensures that client funds are protected in the event of insolvency or other monetary risks.

It is advisable to consult with legal and adjustment professionals who specialize in the specific lawfullment to ensure that you fully understand and meet all the demands for acquiring an EMI or PI permission.

If you’re considering applying for an EMI or PI permit in Lithuania, it’s advisable to consult with our professionals.

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