Eternity Law International News Corporate services in Poland

Corporate services in Poland

April 7, 2023

In Poland corporate services have been flourishing for many years.  Since the countryside joined the EU, active monetary development of the state began. Over the years, many foreigners began to invest in real estate in Poland. A little later, not-bad investments in the business community began to appear. The standard of living in Poland is comparable with the average salaries of the inhabitants of Western European countries.

For this reason, many businessmen began to think about opening businesses on Polish territory. Thanks to its favorable location, Poland is a good logistics center in Europe. It opens up corridors for goods to the markets of Central and Western Europe.

Thanks to new laws, non-residents can obtain a residence permit in Poland when opening a company in this country. It also attracts investors through its generous tax rates for companies. For example, the payment of corporate income tax is 21%.

At the same time, it is possible to reduce this indicator to 9% if the following obligations are met:

  • a legal entity operates as a small taxpayer (its annual revenue is not more than 2 million euros in PLN equivalent); 
  • the legal entity is just starting its business activity and the enterprise has not appeared as a result of the merger of several small companies.
  • VAT rate 23%

It is recommended that companies register for VAT and have the appropriate VAT number.

It is also important to have the financial means to file reports and pay annual returns to the tax authorities. Entrepreneurs need to react quickly if they want to open a company in Poland. Therefore, it is best to consult a consulting firm, which can help with these issues. 

Conditions for opening a company through corporate services in Poland

Several types of legal entities are available for foreign citizens. In particular, it is possible to work with such forms of ownership as:

  • joint stock companies (SA);
  • limited liability companies (SP z.o.o.);
  • limited partnerships (Sp. komandytowa);
  • mixed partners (Sp. komandytowo-akcyjna).

The last 2 types are not used often enough and rather have specific characteristics. LLC is considered the most popular. It is used by representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. To register such an enterprise it is necessary:

  • to have a share capital of PLN 5 thousand in equivalent;
  • availability of one director;
  • timely submission of annual financial and tax reports (copies of documents must be kept in the company’s office).

At the same time, foreigners have the same privileges when registering a company as Polish citizens. On average, the cost of such operations will be in the region of 1100-1700 euros. The lower limit is possible when registering in the online format. The upper limit is possible when working with a notary.

Such prices apply only if the shareholders are not more than 2 people. If their number exceeds, then for each new shareholder fee rises by 150 euros.

Registration Procedure

Employees of corporate services in Poland provide their clients with a full package of services. It includes:

  • Passing the procedure for registration of the Articles of Association at the notary;
  • Obtaining the CPC and registration in state registers;
  • registering the company at the Bureau of Statistics;
  • registering the company through the customs authorities for export or import work;
  • opening an account in one of the corporate Polish banks (for an additional fee);
  • entering the company into the main Polish directories and Internet directories.

Most companies register online and the procedure can take three days. If you work through a notary on your own, registration will take a month to a month and a half.

Also, obtaining a VAT number can take about a month, and if there is a need to increase investments, changes to the documents will take a similar period. Therefore, it is better not to ignore the possibility of working with consulting companies, which may ask for a fee of 200 euros to resolve such issues.

The cost of accounting assistance

For proper filing of tax returns and annual reports in Poland, it is better to have your accountant. Consulting companies often offer candidates to maintain the account of the client’s company. The cost of accounting services will depend on the company’s turnover and the number of transactions on the account. the cost will be calculated by an accountant after the client provides statements of the bank account of the company.

However, the cost may vary depending on the turnover of companies. Therefore, for large corporations, the price may differ by several times. Nevertheless, having a Polish accountant will help to get through any bureaucratic procedures that might hold back a business in Poland correctly and without any blunders.

Where to find a company to help with the registration of a legal entity in Poland

For many years our company has been providing co-growth services to Poland to its customers. Our employees help at all stages of setting up Polish enterprises. We are ready to take on the burden of registering all the accounts required for immediate operation on Polish territory.

All we need is a meeting with our clients. During this meeting, we discuss the form of ownership and the possibilities of starting a business. With a quick application, we can register a company within 3-4 days, whereas for others it takes at least a week.

For an initial consultation about the cost of services please contact us by phone on the website or send us an e-mail.

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