Eternity Law International News Company registration in Saint Lucia

Company registration in Saint Lucia

June 13, 2023

Saint Lucia, situated in the Caribbean, is an appealing destination for individuals seeking dual citizenship through funding. With advantages such as visa-free travel, access to European banking services, tax optimization, and the ability to register businesses and assets for a second passport, affluent individuals are enticed by the prospect of acquiring Saint Lucia citizenship. In this guide, we will elucidate the process of company registration in Saint Lucia and leveraging the opportunities it presents.

Prerequisites for enrollment

To register a company in Saint Lucia, you have the option of establishing an International Business Company (IBC), which is a popular choice among international entrepreneurs. Incorporation in Saint Lucia needs following key requirements for IBC registration:

  • Document Package: You will need a memorandum of association, a chiefs’ appointment order, a certificate of enrolled office in Saint Lucia, and a statement from the company owner affirming their legal age.
  • Authorized Capital: Saint Lucia’s regulations do not stipulate a minimum requirement for the authorized fund of an IBC. Typically, an investment of $50,000 suffices. Although presenting the articles of association is not obligatory, it is advisable to prepare them beforehand.
  • Share Par Value: The par value of a share can be as low as $1, and it is also permissible to issue shares without a par value.
  • Company Composition: An IBC can have multiple directors, shareholders, and secretaries, with a minimum of one individual in each role. These individuals can be legal entities or residents of any country. Information about them is solely stored in the register of enterprises in Saint Lucia.
  • Company Name: The company’s name must include one of the following words: Incorporated, Corporation, Limited, Inc., Corp., Ltd., GmbH, or SA.

Five Steps for company formation in Saint Lucia

  • Processing of Registration Papers: The registration papers are typically processed within two commerce days.
  • Company Enrollment: After the acceptance of the documents, the company is entered into the register of commercial organizations, and enrollment license is issued within six days.
  • Seal Production: The production of the company seal takes between two to five days, depending on whether it is a rubber or embossed seal.
  • Taxpayer Identification Numbers: The company owner will receive a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), and each employee will be issued a tax code. Additionally, the company needs to enroll as an employer with the social security service

Taxation for business in Saint Lucia

The authority of Saint Lucia has devised a tax system with low rates and various exemptions. Here are some key tax aspects for legal entities that are tax residents of Saint Lucia:

  • Company Income: Income earned outside the country is subject to a 0% tax rate.
  • Value Added Tax (VAT): Companies generating income within Saint Lucia are subject to a 15% VAT, with hotels paying 8%.
  • Income Tax: The income tax rate is 1%, or alternatively, a state fee can be paid, eliminating the need to submit reports to the tax office and undergo audits.
  • Social Contributions: Companies are required to contribute 5% of their payroll towards social security.
  • Property Taxes: Residential properties are subject to a 0.25% tax, while commercial properties face a 0.4% tax.
  • Real Estate Transfer: The seller pays up to 5% of the property value, while the buyer pays 2%.

Offshore company in St. Lucia

Offshore registration in St. Lucia is a straightforward process that offers numerous benefits to entrepreneurs and investors. The country’s offshore company services are designed to facilitate international business and provide a wide range of corporate structures to suit different needs.

One of the key advantages of registering an offshore company in St. Lucia is the favorable tax regime. Offshore companies are exempt from local taxes on income, capital gains, and inheritance. This allows businesses to optimize their tax planning strategies and retain more profits for growth and expansion.

In addition to tax benefits, St. Lucia offshore company services offer a high level of confidentiality and privacy protection. St Lucia Offshore Company is not required to disclose the identities of shareholders or directors, ensuring confidentiality and enhancing asset protection.


Founding a commerce in Saint Lucia offers numerous advantages, including favorable tax rates, minimal bureaucracy, and access to global markets. The process entails preparing the necessary documentation, registering the company, obtaining taxpayer identification numbers, and fulfilling tax obligations. With its enticing business environment and opportunities for growth, Saint Lucia proves to be an appealing destination for entrepreneurs and investors alike.

How to Start an Offshore Company in Saint Lucia?

Follow these steps:

  • Choose a firm name;
  • Prepare the required papers;
  • Determine the firm structure;
  • Submit the papers.

How to Register a Company in Saint Lucia?

Follow these general steps:

  • Choose a company name;
  • Prepare the necessary documents;
  • Submit the completed documents to the Companies Registry in Saint Lucia;
  • Pay the registration fees;
  • Obtain the registration certificate.

How Much Does It Cost to Register a Business in Saint Lucia?

The enrollment cost for a commerce in Saint Lucia can vary based on factors such as firm type and additional services needed. For the most accurate and up-to-date data on enrollment costs, it is recommended to consult a professional service provider or the Firms Registry.

How to Get a Business License in Saint Lucia?

To obtain a business license in Saint Lucia, follow these steps:

  • Determine the license requirements;
  • Gather the necessary documents;
  • Submit the completed application and supporting documents;
  • Pay the applicable fees for the commerce license;
  • Ensure compliance and pass inspections;
  • Get the commerce license.

How Do I Incorporate a Business in Saint Lucia?

Follow these steps:

  • Choose a firm name;
  • Gather the necessary papers;
  • Appoint a registered agent;
  • Provide the completed enrollment papers to the registered agent;
  • Pay the needed fees for firm enrollment;
  • Get a license of Enrollment.

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